Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

The balloon Pea

The balloon Pea (Lessertia frutescens, syn. frutescens Colutea L., Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R. Br.) Is a species of the subfamily Faboideae (Faboideae) in the legume family (Fabaceae, Leguminosae), (the same family also includes the peanut or soybean).

It is a traditional South African medicinal plant, which awakens in recent years due to its successful use as a tonic in AIDS and cancer patients is an increasing scientific and public interest.

In Lessertia frutescens is an evergreen shrub reaches the height of up to 1 m, which is exclusively distributed in the deserts of southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana). The narrow, slightly hairy, silvery leaflets published and the conspicuous red butterfly flowers, arranged in numerous clusters, indicate the affiliation of the family Fabaceae. On the balloon inflated, red fruit pods crowded the plant is easily recognized. Lessertia is a pioneer plant, i.e. they can endure extreme conditions and grows as a first kind in places where no other plants can still thrive. Penetrate other plant species in these areas from disappearing Articles.

See Also: sending flowers, online florist

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